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Presenoldeb / Attendance

Presenoldeb a Phrydlondeb


Mae Ysgol Gymraeg Cwm Gwyddon yn ystyried presenoldeb da a phrydlondeb yn hanfodol i addysg a chynnydd yr unigolion a'r dosbarth. Mae'r ysgol yn rhoi blaenoriaeth uchel i bresenoldeb yn sicrhau bod ein rieni a disgyblion yn ymwybodol bod mynychu'n rheolaidd yn hanfodol a bod absenoldeb anawdurdodedig yn annerbyniol




Os na all eich plentyn fynychu'r ysgol am reswm derbyniol e.e salwch; cysylltwch a'r ysgol cyn 9:15am neu adael neges ar linell absenoldeb yr ysgol. Pan fydd eich plentyn yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol ar ol cyfnod o absenoldeb, gofynnwn i chi anfon nodyn o esboniad am yr absenoldeb. Mae hyn yn ychwanegol at y galwad ffon a wnaed ar ddiwrnod cyntaf yr absenoldeb. 



Gwyliau yn ystod amser ysgol

Os yr ydych am gymryd eich plentyn / plant allan o'r ysgol yn ystod y tymor am wyliau teuluol; gofynnwn i chi lenwi ffurflen gwyliau a dychwelyd i'r ysgol i'w hawdurdodi. Gellir gofyn am y rhain o'r swyddfa'r ysgol. 



Attendance and Punctuality

Ysgol Gymraeg Cwm Gwyddon regards good, punctual attendance as being vital to the educational progress of the individual and the class. The school gives high priority to attendance conveying to parents and pupils that regular attendance is vital and that unauthorised absence is unacceptable.



If your child is unable to attend school for an acceptable reason e.g illness; please contact the school before 9:15am or leave  a message on the schools absence line. When your child returns to school after a period of absence we ask that you send a note of explanation for the absence. This is in addition to the phone call made on the first day of absence. The notr may be sent in with the pupil when he/she returns to school.


Holidays during school term

If you wish to take your child / Children out of school during term time for a family holiday; we ask you to fill in and return a holiday request form for authorisation. These can be requested from the school office.


